This is an open invitation for qualifying Certification Bodies who are interested in obtaining endorsement from CEPA, the Confederation of European Pest Management, to certify pest management companies against [EN] 16636 following the CEPA Certified® Protocol.
Over the past four years, the members of our Confederation and the European Standards Bureau have worked together to develop this new service standard. Today CEPA is launching the CEPA Certified® Protocol, underpinned by EN16636, with a view to enhancing this benchmark service standard for European pest management companies.
Our aim is to ensure that the pest management industry is recognised for responsibly protecting European citizens and the environment in which they live against public health risks.
Recent research in the UK showed that 79% of pest management companies think EN16636 and its certification programme are a positive or very positive initiative. 85% of respondents would consider applying for certification (half of which under condition that the price is right).
By becoming a CEPA Certified® Certifying Body, you gain additional access to horizontal markets (retail, hospitality, etc. … ) where pest management professionals operate. This also opens the door for other accreditations such as ISO 9110, 14001 and 18001 against which pest management companies may wish to be accredited.
CEPA Certified® endorsement is unique, and confers a high status on those who achieve it. CEPA has designed a toolkit and a wide network of support across Europe to ensure its member companies have the tools to achieve the standard. We have also set in place a marketing programme to clients to encourage them to select only those companies who have achieved CEPA Certified® status.
Selection and appointment criteria for Certification Bodies
CEPA will manage the endorsement process through the CEPA Steering Committee. The CSC will be tasked with conducting the selection and appointment process in an independent, professional and credible manner.
CBs shall be competent, independent and reliable audit service providers (companies, not individuals) and demonstrate this by conforming to the following requirements:
- Accredited against ISO 17065 (requirement for bodies certifying products, processes and services) for at least one certification program;
- Experienced in carrying out audits in conformity with ISO 19011;
- This will be demonstrated by relevant records and accreditation certificates (from one of European accreditation bodies like UKAS, COFRAC, DAKKS, SWEDAC…);
CBs will submit a list of auditors with a short CV showing some evidence of Pest management awareness.
Endorsement will be delivered by CEPA on a country by country basis.
For CEPA Certified® advice and questions, please contact:
Zlatko Dakic, CEPA Certified® Scheme Leader